Founder & PRESIDENT: K. Sudhakar

K Sudhakar was born in 1954 in Andhra Pradesh and completed his high school. Coming from a family with six other siblings and the family struggling to live with just the mother working due to father’s alcoholism has forced Sudhakar to give up his education with Grade 12. He joined in Emerald Hotel as stores manager and has been working faithfully. However, when he was 22 years old, he realised the purpose of His life and has committed himself to serve the needy and the communities.

He was involved, got trained and learnt from various community development organisations. He has been involved in various activities for the betterment of society for the past 35 years. Flood relief camps, medical camps, drilling of bore wells for villages and communities in need, caring for widows, caring for orphan children, sponsoring the slum children for education and various other works.

He continuously gets trained and keeps training people to influence the communities with their capabilities and with good works so that the needs of the communities are met.

He is also a farmer and attends various trainings and grows food organically. He also organises trainings for farmers and teaches low-cost investment but very effective production in organic ways.

board members


Vice President


General Secretary


Joint Secretary