(1) Agricultural Development: 

 With the increase in food production by using fertilizers and pesticides, there is an adverse effect on the health of people. 

 Hence Bethel Gospel Church is striving to teach organic farming methods and also help the farmers understand how can they get good yield and also save seeds for future farming.

 We teach the techniques of organic farming to the local farmers and farmers from other state. 

 There is a need to increase local food production, and to teach practical farming skills to aging children and to others in the local community. We have an opportunity to start an Agriculture Center on an 8 acre land in Nalgonda. 

 Techniques like mulching, bucket kit irrigation, balcony gardening, rood top gardening, drip irrigation etc are taught. 


 (2) Self Sustainability  trainings: 

Most of the slum dwellers are uneducated and hence do not have any decent jobs that would fetch them regular income. Thus they try to find out any work that suits their skill. Most of the men go out selling vegetables, fruits, flowers and clothes or work as daily labor for a wage at construction sites or other places to lift heavy things throughout the day while women work in houses cleaning the utensils and cleaning the homes. 

Bethel Church has introduced self help projects like candle making, tailoring, stitching bags, pillow covers, soap making, baking, beautician courses and also making of phenyl (floor cleaners). 

 We are planning to extend this to the women of the whole community. The young girls can also learn making pickles, Jam and tomato ketchup and sell them in the market. The women from the slums were trained and were given opportunity to start their own projects to earn income while they are still home.